Friday, October 30, 2009

Today is October 30th. Where did this month go? It's just like I said to myself. If I keep busy enough, the days will go fast which is good for me. It takes me closer to the things I don't have much patience for. Two things especially; waiting for my son-in-law to get his next military orders, (hoping that will be coming west, closer to me), and waiting to get finished with school so I can work at what I REALLY want to do. Right now, September 2010 seems a looonnng way off. I think I can honestly say, I am a little more relaxed with this 4th term. I like my medical office management class and I am encouraged by the subject of what I am going to be writing about in my College Compo II class. Yes, the pressure will always be there to get the work turned in, in time, and yes there is a LOT of work to do for each unit, but I am learning how to better manage that pressure. I don't think my professor would like that last phrase-----it doesn't sound right.
OK, good thing it's another damp day. Makes it easier to stay in class.


  1. Tell me about it, December 2010 couldn't get here fast enough. I am waiting for my husbands ets orders so we can get out of the army. We have come to hate it so.

  2. Hello Janine,nice to read your posting.It is amazing to see how time goes by so fast and then again it seems like if we want something to get here soon it drags.It looks like some of us here is getting ready for graduation soon(but not soon enough)and I will be waiting for October 2010 to get here.I'm excited,scared and also panicing too.I think with Comp II will be more interesting and learning new ways of writing.The blog is interesting and I hope that I'm getting the hang of it.Good luck to you and your family.

    Tammie Chase
